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Translation meaning & definition of the word "effort" into Japanese language






1. Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

  • "Made an effort to cover all the reading material"
  • "Wished him luck in his endeavor"
  • "She gave it a good try"
  • attempt
  • ,
  • effort
  • ,
  • endeavor
  • ,
  • endeavour
  • ,
  • try

1. 何かをしたり達成したりすることを意図した真剣で良心的な活動

  • "「すべての読み物をカバーするように努力しました」"
  • "「彼の努力に幸運を祈った」"
  • "「彼女はそれを良い試みをしました」"
  • 試み
  • ,
  • 努力
  • ,
  • 努力する
  • ,
  • 試す

2. Use of physical or mental energy

  • Hard work
  • "He got an a for effort"
  • "They managed only with great exertion"
  • effort
  • ,
  • elbow grease
  • ,
  • exertion
  • ,
  • travail
  • ,
  • sweat

2. 肉体的または精神的なエネルギーの使用

  • 刻苦
  • "「彼は努力のために a を手に入れました」"
  • "「彼らは大きな努力だけで行動した」"
  • 努力
  • ,
  • 勤労
  • ,
  • 苦労
  • ,
  • 汗をかく

3. A notable achievement

  • "He performed a great feat"
  • "The book was her finest effort"
  • feat
  • ,
  • effort
  • ,
  • exploit

3. 注目すべき成果

  • "「彼は素晴らしい偉業を成し遂げた」"
  • "「本書は彼女の最高の努力だった」"
  • 功績
  • ,
  • 努力
  • ,
  • 悪用

4. A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

  • "He supported populist campaigns"
  • "They worked in the cause of world peace"
  • "The team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"
  • "The movement to end slavery"
  • "Contributed to the war effort"
  • campaign
  • ,
  • cause
  • ,
  • crusade
  • ,
  • drive
  • ,
  • movement
  • ,
  • effort

4. 原則を前進させる、または特定の目的に向かう傾向のある一連の行動

  • "「彼はポピュリスト運動を支持した」"
  • "「彼らは世界平和のために働いた」"
  • "「チームはペナントに向けてドライブする準備ができていた」"
  • "「奴隷制度を終わらせる運動」"
  • "「戦争遂行への貢献」"
  • キャンペーン
  • ,
  • 原因となる
  • ,
  • 聖戦
  • ,
  • 駆る
  • ,
  • 動き
  • ,
  • 努力

Examples of using

His book is oriented towards children, but here and there are words that he has never seen before. He doesn't know whether it is just him, or if they are just simply difficult words, but he finds them not worth the effort to look up in a dictionary, so he just keeps on reading.
In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing.
In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing.