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Translation meaning & definition of the word "dissipated" into Japanese language






1. Unrestrained by convention or morality

  • "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"
  • "Deplorably dissipated and degraded"
  • "Riotous living"
  • "Fast women"
  • debauched
  • ,
  • degenerate
  • ,
  • degraded
  • ,
  • dissipated
  • ,
  • dissolute
  • ,
  • libertine
  • ,
  • profligate
  • ,
  • riotous
  • ,
  • fast

1. 慣習や道徳に縛られない

  • "「コングリーブは堕落した貴族社会を描いている」"
  • "「嘆かわしいことに散逸し、劣化した」"
  • "「暴動生活」"
  • "「速い女性」"
  • 堕落しました
  • ,
  • 退化する
  • ,
  • 劣化しました
  • ,
  • 散逸
  • ,
  • 自堕落な
  • ,
  • リバティーンズ
  • ,
  • 放蕩な
  • ,
  • 喧しい
  • ,
  • 速い

2. Preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance

  • "Led a dissipated life"
  • "A betting man"
  • "A card-playing son of a bitch"
  • "A gambling fool"
  • "Sporting gents and their ladies"
  • dissipated
  • ,
  • betting
  • ,
  • card-playing
  • ,
  • sporting

2. 喜びの追求、特にチャンスのゲームに夢中

  • "「散逸した人生を導いた」"
  • "「賭け男」です"
  • "「カードを弾く雌犬の息子」"
  • "「ギャンブルの馬鹿」"
  • "「スポーツ紳士とその女性たち」"
  • 散逸
  • ,
  • 賭け
  • ,
  • カードプレー
  • ,
  • スポーツ

Examples of using

When I was very young, my father died. His younger brother, due to the vicissitudes of the times and to his own laziness, dissipated his own fortune and afterwards became a peddler of writing materials. He often came to our house, but when he came, my mother would scold him and he would be troubled.