

Meaning & Definition

A group of singers performing together, usually in a musical context.
The chorus sang beautifully during the concert.
The part of a song that is repeated after each verse.
The catchy chorus of the song stuck in my head all day.
A comment or statement made by a group of people, usually expressing a shared opinion.
There was a chorus of approval from the audience.
To sing in chorus; to sing together as a group.
The children chorused their favorite nursery rhymes.


From Latin 'chorus', from Greek 'choros'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

sing from the same hymn sheet:
To agree or have a shared view.
hit the chorus:
To begin or emphasize the key part of a song.
visual chorus:
A collective display or representation of sentiments or beliefs.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To join in or participate wholeheartedly.
When the band started up, everyone just chorused along.
To echo or repeat a sentiment, often in agreement.
In the meeting, people just chorused what the boss said.