Wan (Pallido)
Translation into Italian
After an arduous lightsaber duel, Maul kills Qui-Gon but is slain in turn by Obi-Wan.
Dopo un arduo duello di spada laser, Maul uccide Qui-Gon, ma viene ucciso a sua volta da Obi-Wan.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 It is also accessible by tram in the direction to Happy Valley or Shau Kei Wan.
È accessibile anche via tram nella direzione Happy Valley o Shau Kei Wan.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 The Council bids Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon return to Naboo to liberate the planet.
Il Consiglio invita Obi-Wan e Qui-Gon a ritornare a Naboo per liberare il pianeta.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Not all WAN solutions are available in all places.
Non tutte le soluzioni WAN sono disponibili ovunque.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 Empire Hotel Hong Kong Wan Chai.
Empire Hotel Hong Kong Wan Cha.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 Lead on, Castle Wan Kenobi.
Apri la strada, Castle Wan Kenobi.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Before fleeing from Pahang in May 1863, Tun Mutahir and Wan Koris fell seriously ill, and Wan Aman was nominated as the new Raja Bendahara designate by the Shahbandar, but Wan Aman was a ruler without a country as Wan Ahmad had won the day.
Prima di partire da Pahang nel maggio 1863, Tun Mutahir e Wan Koris si ammalarono gravemente, e Wan Aman venne nominato nuovo Raja Bendahara designato dal Shahbandar, ma Wan Aman era un regnante senza regno dal momento che era Wan Ahmad ad aver vinto.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1