Translation of "Sabra" into Italian
Sabra / Sabra
In 2010, Brill published Histories of the Middle East: Studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A. L. Udovitch, edited by Roxani Eleni Margariti, Adam Sabra, and Petra M. Sijpesteijn.
Nel 2010, la casa editrice olandese Brill di Leida ha pubblicato Histories of the Middle East: Studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A. L. Udovitch, edito da Roxani Eleni Margariti, Adam Sabra e Petra M. Sijpesteijn.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 From Sabra and Chatila 20 years ago, to what is happening in Jenin this afternoon, Mr Sharon might reflect on whether he wishes to be among its first clients.
Da Sabra e Chatila, 20 anni fa, ai fatti di Jenin, di questo pomeriggio, Sharon potrebbe riflettere se non voglia essere tra i suoi primi clienti.
Data source: Europarl_v8 Not just Beirut, but the massacre at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.
Anzi, non di Beirut Ovest, ma delle notti del massacro nei campi profughi di Sabra e Shatila.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 St. George and the Princess Sabra.
San Giorgio e la principessa Sabra.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Sabra Double Room 2 persons - 25 m.
Camera Matrimoniale Sabra 2 persone - 25 m.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Of Sabra and Shatilla in September 1982.
Di Sabra e Shatilla nel settembre del 1982.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 While the remembrance of Sabra and Chatila is widespread across social media, the Lebanese blogosphere remained largely mute on the massacre.
Nonostante il ricordo di Sabra e Shatila sia molto diffuso attravero i social media, la blogosfera libanese rimane pressochè muta in merito al massacro.
Data source: GlobalVoices_v2018q4