Translation of "Psychic" into Italian
Psychic / Psichico
Their psychic powers have also been amplified, allowing them to see the future.
Inoltre, i loro poteri psichici si sono amplificati permettendo loro di leggere il futuro.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 In February 2007 Side-Line announced the news that the Fee Lee record label released a Psychic TV live album, "Live in Russia".
In February 2007 Side-Line announced the news that the Fee Lee record label has released a Psychic TV live album, "Live in Russia".
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Having become magically immortal, Doctor Occult and Rose Psychic have not aged and still look the same as they always have.
Essendo diventati magicamente immortali, Dottor Occult e Rose Psychic non invecchiano e danno l'impressione di avere sempre lo stesso aspetto.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Dandelo is a psychic vampire who feeds on emotions.
Dandelo è un vampiro psichico che si nutre di emozioni.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Psychic Creatures forged by Sarah Louise Davey.
Creature Psychic forgiati da Sarah Louise Davey.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Sylvia Browne is an exception in that she's the only professional psychic in the whole world that has accepted our challenge.
Sylvia Browne è un'eccezione perché è l'unica medium professionista in tutto il mondo che ha accettato la nostra sfida.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 He was a firm believer in psychic powers, had had psychic experiences, and regularly visited a psychic.
Lui crede convintamente nei poteri psichici, ha avuto esperienze parapsicologiche e frequenta regolarmente un sensitivo.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1