Poise (Equilibrio)
Translation into Italian
He also initiated the use of team slogans such as "Pride and Poise" "Commitment to Excellence" and "Just Win, Baby"- all of which are registered trademarks.
Egli iniziò anche ad utilizzare slogan come "Pride and Poise", "Commitment to Excellence" e "Just Win, Baby", tutti divenuti marchi registrati.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 But to have poise, and understanding, and compassion, is difficult.
Ma avere equilibrio, comprensione e compassione, è difficile.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 These dogs are distinguished by courage, poise, peace.
Questi cani si distinguono per coraggio, poesia, pace.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 A range of services to get in shape for your Big Day - personalised programmes and Spa treatments, detox juices, Wedding White Smile, courses of style and poise.
Una serie di servizi per arrivare in forma al giorno delle Nozze - programmi personalizzati e trattamenti in spa, succhi Detox, Wedding White Smile, portamento e stile.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Very polite and attentive, with poise and discretion Miss.
Molto gentile e attento, con equilibrio e discrezione signorina.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The magical metamorphosis of the Akari lamps from flat to three dimensional can also be found in Poise.
La magica metamorfosi delle lampade Akari, da piatte a tridimensionali, si ritrova anche in Poise.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 He also started the use of slogans such as "Pride and Poise" "Commitment to Excellence" and "Just Win, Baby" are registered trademarks now.
Egli iniziò anche ad utilizzare slogan come "Pride and Poise", "Commitment to Excellence" e "Just Win, Baby", tutti divenuti marchi registrati.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1