Translation of "Lawn" into Italian
Lawn / Prato
8820, Mobile Avenue, 1A, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 60453, USA.
8820, Mobile Avenue, 1A, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 60453, Stati Uniti.
Data source: DGT_v2019 South Lawn of the White House, Washington, D. C.
South Lawn della Casa Bianca, Washington, D. C.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 What I would say in general terms to the Council is that trimming budgets as if you were mowing the lawn serves no useful purpose whatever, for the agricultural budget is not a quarry to be worked for the benefit of this or that other project.
In termini generali vorrei dire al Consiglio che tagliare i bilanci come se si trattasse di falciare un prato non serve assolutamente a nulla, poiché il bilancio agricolo non è una miniera da scavare a beneficio di questo o quel progetto.
Data source: Europarl_v8 A good husband - always jealous of the neighbor's lawn.
A buona - sempre geloso di prato del vicino.
Data source: QED_v2.0a He died in 1935 and is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California.
Egli morì nel 1935 ed è sepolto al Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery di Glendale in California.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 A father came out of his house to tell his teenage son and his five friends that it was time for them to stop horsing around on the front lawn and on the sidewalk, to get home, finish their schoolwork, and prepare themselves for bed.
Un padre uscì di casa per dire al figlio adolescente e ai suoi cinque amici che era ora di smetterla di perdere tempo sul prato e sul marciapiede, e di andare a casa, finire i compiti, e prepararsi per andare a dormire.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 A father came out of his house to tell his teenage son and his five friends that it was time for them to stop horsing around on the front lawn and on the sidewalk, to get home, finish their schoolwork, and prepare themselves for bed.
Un padre uscì di casa per dire al figlio adolescente e ai suoi cinque amici che era ora di smetterla di perdere tempo sul prato e sul marciapiede, e di andare a casa, finire i compiti, e prepararsi per andare a dormire.
Data source: QED_v2.0a