We were just holding hands.
Ci tenevamo solo per mano.
We were just holding hands.
Ci tenevamo solo per mano.
Tom is holding a knife.
Tom ha in mano un coltello.
Tom saw John and Mary holding hands.
Tom ha visto John e Mary tenersi per mano.
I'm holding a book by Susanna Tomaro.
Ho in mano un libro di Susanna Tomaro.
Nothing seems so tender to me as an old couple walking down the street holding hands.
Niente mi sembra così tenero come una vecchia coppia che cammina per strada tenendosi per mano.
I'm holding a book.
Ho in mano un libro.
I'm holding a book.
Ho in mano un libro.
The fat woman was holding a monkey.
La donna grassa teneva in braccio una scimmia.
He was holding a pen in his hand.
Teneva in mano una penna.
Why are you holding my hands?
Perchè mi tieni le mani?
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