The moon turns the roofs in the village to silver.
Bulan mengubah atap di desa menjadi perak.
I'll tell you about the incident that occured in our village.
Akan kuceritakan tentang kejadian yang terjadi di desa kami.
This novel is interesting for its village language.
Novel ini menarik karena bahasa desanya.
Tom grew up in an isolated village deep in the mountains.
Tom dibesarkan di sebuah desa terpencil jauh di pegunungan.
God let the village be safe
Tuhan biarkan desa aman
The village needs your help.
Desa membutuhkan bantuanmu.
In the village there are no thieves.
Di desa tidak ada pencuri.
She lives in the village.
Dia tinggal di desa.
The people of this village live in harmony with nature.
Masyarakat desa ini hidup rukun dengan alam.
I visited the village he was born in.
Saya mengunjungi desa tempat dia dilahirkan.
A pretty girl lived in that village.
Seorang gadis cantik tinggal di desa itu.
He lives in a house far from the village.
Dia tinggal di sebuah rumah yang jauh dari desa.
The village has no electricity.
Desa tidak memiliki listrik.
A little village is situated in between both towns.
Sebuah desa kecil terletak di antara kedua kota tersebut.
I want to visit a medieval village.
Saya ingin mengunjungi desa abad pertengahan.
"Today, the milkman was buried. There were a lot of people, cause everybody in the village knew him." "Oh, is there a milkman in Linschoten?" "Well, no, not anymore!"
"Hari ini, tukang susu itu dikuburkan. Ada banyak orang, karena semua orang di desa mengenalnya." "Oh, apakah ada tukang susu di Linschoten?" "Yah, tidak, tidak lagi!"
What's the difference between a village and a town?
Apa bedanya desa dan kota?
That village has changed a lot from how it was 100 years ago.
Desa itu telah banyak berubah dari 100 tahun yang lalu.