The typhoon did a lot of damage to the crops.
Topan tersebut menimbulkan banyak kerusakan pada tanaman.
If there's a typhoon tomorrow, does that mean I don't need to go to work?
Jika besok ada topan, apakah itu berarti saya tidak perlu pergi bekerja?
The typhoon moved in a westerly direction.
Topan bergerak ke arah barat.
The typhoon caused damage in many areas.
Topan tersebut menyebabkan kerusakan di banyak daerah.
The typhoon caused the river to flood.
Topan tersebut menyebabkan sungai banjir.
The tree had been blown down by the typhoon of the day before.
Pohon itu tumbang akibat topan sehari sebelumnya.
Today's paper says that a typhoon is coming.
Makalah hari ini mengatakan bahwa topan akan datang.
The typhoon prevented our plane from leaving.
Topan menghalangi pesawat kami untuk berangkat.
The typhoon destroyed many houses.
Topan tersebut menghancurkan banyak rumah.
The island was struck by the typhoon.
Pulau itu dilanda topan.
The island was struck by the typhoon.
Pulau itu dilanda topan.