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Translation meaning & definition of the word "testimony" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "kesaksian" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. A solemn statement made under oath

  • testimony

1. Pernyataan khidmat yang dibuat di bawah sumpah

  • testimony

2. An assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact

  • "According to his own testimony he can't do it"
  • testimony

2. Pernyataan yang menawarkan otentikasi langsung atas suatu fakta

  • "Menurut kesaksiannya sendiri dia tidak bisa melakukannya"
  • testimony

3. Something that serves as evidence

  • "His effort was testimony to his devotion"
  • testimony
  • ,
  • testimonial

3. Sesuatu yang berfungsi sebagai bukti

  • "Usahanya adalah kesaksian atas pengabdiannya"
  • testimony
  • ,
  • testimoni

Examples of using

If you only listen to the testimony of the victim you can't understand the full story of the incident.
Jika Anda hanya mendengarkan kesaksian korban, Anda tidak dapat memahami cerita lengkap kejadian tersebut.
His testimony stands on facts.
Kesaksiannya berdiri di atas fakta.
The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word.
Detektif itu langsung mencatat kesaksiannya, kata demi kata.