Meaning & Definition of word "Tea"






    • 1. A beverage made by infusing the dried, crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water.
      • Example: I enjoy a cup of green tea every morning.
    • 2. A social event where tea is served, often accompanied by light refreshments.
      • Example: She invited us over for tea and crumpets this afternoon.
    • 3. The leaves of the tea plant, processed for use in making tea.
      • Example: He prefers using loose tea rather than tea bags.
    • 4. In British English, a meal eaten in the late afternoon or early evening, especially one that includes tea.
      • Example: We had our evening tea at five o'clock.


    From Chinese 茶 (chá), via the Dutch term 'thee'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    tea time:

    A period in the afternoon when tea is served.

    spill the tea:

    To share gossip or reveal secrets.

    tea party:

    A social gathering where tea and refreshments are served.

    Related Words


    A type of spiced tea popular in India.

    herbal tea:

    A beverage made from infusing herbs or fruits, not made from tea leaves.

    tea bag:

    A small, porous bag containing tea leaves, sealed for brewing.

    Slang Meanings of tea

    Meaning: Gossip or story

    Example Sentence: She always has the hottest tea on celebrities.

    Meaning: Inside information

    Example Sentence: I need the tea on what happened at the party last night.