Harry works part-time at the local supermarket.
Harry bekerja paruh waktu di supermarket lokal.
I used to work in a supermarket.
Dulu aku bekerja di supermarket.
I am not going to the supermarket for peaches, but for chocolate.
Saya tidak pergi ke supermarket untuk membeli buah persik, tapi untuk membeli coklat.
My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby.
Istri saya membeli sayuran dari supermarket terdekat.
I went to the supermarket and bought three oranges, besides two soda bottles.
Saya pergi ke supermarket dan membeli tiga jeruk, selain dua botol soda.
Mary works in a supermarket.
Mary bekerja di supermarket.
Where's the nearest supermarket?
Mana supermarket terdekat?
Do you know what time that supermarket closes?
Kau tahu jam berapa supermarket itu tutup?
The most famous supermarket is also the most expensive.
Supermarket yang paling terkenal juga yang paling mahal.
I'm going to the supermarket to do some shopping.
Aku akan ke supermarket untuk berbelanja.
The supermarket didn't have what I wanted.
Supermarket tidak memiliki apa yang saya inginkan.
I went to the supermarket.
Aku pergi ke supermarket.
Tom hasn't been to the supermarket in a long time.
Tom sudah lama tidak ke supermarket.
Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket.
Tom meminta Mary mengambil pasta gigi dan tisu toilet di supermarket.
Tom is the owner of a supermarket.
Tom adalah pemilik supermarket.
I work at the supermarket on the weekends.
Saya bekerja di supermarket pada akhir pekan.
What does he buy at the supermarket?
Apa yang dia beli di supermarket?
Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk.
Sayang, kita harus pergi ke supermarket. Kami kehabisan susu.
They buy vegetables at the supermarket.
Mereka membeli sayuran di supermarket.
Where is the nearest supermarket?
Dimana supermarket terdekat?