Tom went straight home after work.
Tom langsung pulang setelah bekerja.
If you don't have a safety pin, a straight pin will have to do.
Jika Anda tidak memiliki peniti, peniti lurus harus dilakukan.
I go straight home after work.
Aku langsung pulang setelah bekerja.
The road goes straight for about a kilometer and then turns.
Jalan lurus sekitar satu kilometer lalu berbelok.
Tom has straight hair.
Tom memiliki rambut lurus.
I went straight home from work.
Saya langsung pulang kerja.
An old ox makes straight furrows
Seekor lembu tua membuat alur lurus
Go straight, then turn right.
Lurus, lalu belok kanan.
He noticed straight away.
Dia langsung menyadarinya.
Let's go straight to the beach.
Ayo langsung ke pantai.
I can't think straight.
Aku tidak bisa berpikir jernih.
Stand up straight.
Berdiri tegak.
She drank straight from the bottle.
Dia minum langsung dari botol.
After work I go straight home.
Sepulang kerja saya langsung pulang.
We're suffering from an unbearable heat wave for the second week straight.
Kami menderita gelombang panas yang tak tertahankan selama dua minggu berturut-turut.
Upon getting home, I went straight to bed.
Sesampainya di rumah, saya langsung tidur.
So, straight, then to the right, and then?
Jadi, lurus, lalu ke kanan, lalu?
The road is straight for over ten miles.
Jalannya lurus sejauh lebih dari sepuluh mil.
"Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!"
"Ah, ya-ya ... Maaf, Coz." "Hei! Kau mungkin kerabatku tapi di sini aku senior dan doktermu. Jaga agar tetap lurus saat Anda berada di rumah sakit!"
She couldn't look me straight in the face.
Dia tidak bisa menatap wajahku dengan lurus.