It was so hot in Australia yesterday that Tom managed to fry an egg on a shovel.
Panas sekali di Australia kemarin sampai Tom berhasil menggoreng telur di sekop.
Do you have a shovel I can borrow?
Kau punya sekop yang bisa kupinjam?
It'll take some time to shovel all the snow off the roof.
Butuh beberapa waktu untuk menyekop semua salju dari atap.
Throw the shovel!
Lempar sekopnya!
They were clearing the snow from the sidewalk with a shovel.
Mereka sedang membersihkan salju dari trotoar dengan sekop.
Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies.
Tak lama kemudian datanglah sekop uap dan menggali jalan melalui bukit yang ditutupi bunga aster.