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Translation meaning & definition of the word "seem" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "tampak" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. Give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect

  • "She seems to be sleeping"
  • "This appears to be a very difficult problem"
  • "This project looks fishy"
  • "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
  • look
  • ,
  • appear
  • ,
  • seem

1. Memberikan kesan tertentu atau memiliki aspek lahiriah tertentu

  • "Dia sepertinya sedang tidur"
  • "Ini tampaknya menjadi masalah yang sangat sulit"
  • "Proyek ini terlihat mencurigakan"
  • "Mereka muncul seperti orang-orang yang sudah lama tidak makan atau tidur"
  • look
  • ,
  • muncul
  • ,
  • seem

2. Seem to be true, probable, or apparent

  • "It seems that he is very gifted"
  • "It appears that the weather in california is very bad"
  • appear
  • ,
  • seem

2. Tampaknya benar, mungkin, atau jelas

  • "Sepertinya dia sangat berbakat"
  • "Tampaknya cuaca di california sangat buruk"
  • muncul
  • ,
  • seem

3. Appear to exist

  • "There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now"
  • seem

3. Tampak ada

  • "Sepertinya tidak ada alasan untuk melanjutkan proyek sekarang"
  • seem

4. Appear to one's own mind or opinion

  • "I seem to be misunderstood by everyone"
  • "I can't seem to learn these chinese characters"
  • seem

4. Muncul di benak atau pendapat sendiri

  • "Sepertinya aku disalahpahami oleh semua orang"
  • "Sepertinya saya tidak bisa mempelajari karakter cina ini"
  • seem

Examples of using

They don't seem to be very pleased.
Mereka tampaknya tidak terlalu senang.
These birds seem to have been in there for quite some time. Some have even scratched obscene graffiti into their cages' bottoms.
Burung-burung ini tampaknya sudah cukup lama berada di sana. Beberapa bahkan telah menggoreskan grafiti cabul ke dasar kandang mereka.
You seem to be in a bad mood today.
Sepertinya suasana hatimu sedang buruk hari ini.