The murder scene was still a hive of police activity several days after the man's body had been discovered.
TKP masih menjadi sarang aktivitas polisi beberapa hari setelah jenazah pria itu ditemukan.
John became paralyzed upon seeing that scene.
John menjadi lumpuh saat melihat pemandangan itu.
Tom claims that he wasn't anywhere near the murder scene at the time of the murder.
Tom mengklaim bahwa dia tidak berada di dekat lokasi pembunuhan pada saat pembunuhan terjadi.
She was on the scene of the crime.
Dia berada di TKP.
The scene of the car accident was a horrifying sight.
Adegan kecelakaan mobil adalah pemandangan yang mengerikan.
The injured were removed from the scene.
Yang terluka dikeluarkan dari tempat kejadian.
She blacked out on seeing the scene of the accident.
Dia pingsan saat melihat lokasi kecelakaan.
She described the scene in detail.
Dia menggambarkan adegan itu secara detail.
Police cordoned off the crime scene.
Polisi menutup TKP.
In 100 the Ontario Censor Board banned the film "The Tin Drum," adapted from the Günter Grass novel, but the media found this silly, and so the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) showed the offending scene that night from coast to coast on the national news.
Pada tahun 100 Dewan Sensor Ontario melarang film "The Tin Drum", yang diadaptasi dari novel Günter Grass, tetapi media menganggap ini konyol, dan karenanya Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) menunjukkan adegan yang menyinggung malam itu dari pantai ke pantai di berita nasional.
I think it's true that he wasn't at the scene.
Kurasa benar dia tidak ada di tempat kejadian.
The swans on the river make a dreamlike scene.
Angsa-angsa di sungai membuat pemandangan seperti mimpi.
He was watching the scene with breathless interest.
Dia sedang menonton adegan itu dengan penuh minat.
He described the scene in detail.
Dia menggambarkan adegan itu secara detail.
I like this scene in particular.
Saya suka adegan ini khususnya.
I went to the scene of the crime.
Aku pergi ke TKP.
I was watching the scene holding my breath.
Aku sedang menonton adegan menahan napas.
We waited at the scene of the accident till the police came.
Kami menunggu di lokasi kecelakaan sampai polisi datang.