The museum took down the picture of the royal family.
Museum tersebut menurunkan gambar keluarga kerajaan.
What rascal dared to break the door to the royal room?
Bajingan apa yang berani mendobrak pintu kamar kerajaan?
He is of royal blood.
Dia berdarah bangsawan.
The king and his family live in the royal palace.
Raja dan keluarganya tinggal di istana kerajaan.
Only after a century and a half of confusion was the royal authority restored.
Hanya setelah satu setengah abad kebingungan, otoritas kerajaan dipulihkan.
The royal palace was built on a hill.
Istana kerajaan dibangun di atas bukit.
The royal family lives in the Imperial Palace.
Keluarga kerajaan tinggal di Istana Kekaisaran.