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Translation meaning & definition of the word "response" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "respon" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. A result

  • "This situation developed in response to events in africa"
  • response

1. Sebuah hasil

  • "Situasi ini berkembang sebagai tanggapan atas peristiwa di afrika"
  • response

2. A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent

  • "A bad reaction to the medicine"
  • "His responses have slowed with age"
  • reaction
  • ,
  • response

2. Proses tubuh yang terjadi karena efek dari beberapa stimulus atau agen sebelumnya

  • "Reaksi buruk terhadap obat"
  • "Tanggapannya melambat seiring bertambahnya usia"
  • reaction
  • ,
  • response

3. A statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation

  • "I waited several days for his answer"
  • "He wrote replies to several of his critics"
  • answer
  • ,
  • reply
  • ,
  • response

3. Pernyataan (baik lisan maupun tulisan) yang dibuat untuk menjawab pertanyaan atau permintaan atau kritik atau tuduhan

  • "Saya menunggu beberapa hari untuk jawabannya"
  • "Dia menulis balasan untuk beberapa pengkritiknya"
  • answer
  • ,
  • reply
  • ,
  • response

4. The manner in which something is greeted

  • "She did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"
  • reception
  • ,
  • response

4. Cara di mana sesuatu disambut

  • "Dia tidak mengharapkan sambutan dingin yang dia terima dari atasannya"
  • penerimaan
  • ,
  • response

5. A phrase recited or sung by the congregation following a versicle by the priest or minister

  • response

5. Ungkapan yang dibacakan atau dinyanyikan oleh jemaat mengikuti ayat pendeta atau pendeta

  • response

6. The speech act of continuing a conversational exchange

  • "He growled his reply"
  • reply
  • ,
  • response

6. Tindak tutur melanjutkan pertukaran percakapan

  • "Dia menggeram jawabannya"
  • reply
  • ,
  • response

7. The manner in which an electrical or mechanical device responds to an input signal or a range of input signals

  • response

7. Cara perangkat listrik atau mekanis merespons sinyal masukan atau rentang sinyal masukan

  • response

Examples of using

I didn't expect such a nasty response to my question.
Saya tidak mengharapkan tanggapan buruk terhadap pertanyaan saya.
Tom's response to the medicine pleased the doctor.
Tanggapan Tom terhadap obat tersebut membuat dokter senang.
There was no response.
Tidak ada respon.