Meaning & Definition of word "Pore"
- 1. A minute opening in a surface, especially the skin, that allows the passage of air, liquid, or gas.
- Example: The pores on my skin were clogged, leading to breakouts.
- 2. Any tiny opening or space, especially in a substance that allows for the passage of fluids.
- Example: The sponge has numerous pores that absorb water quickly.
- 1. To study or examine something carefully and attentively.
- Example: She will pore over the documents to find the necessary information.
- 2. To reflect deeply on something.
- Example: He sat in silence, poring over his thoughts.
Middle English 'por', from Old French 'por', from Latin 'porus'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
pore over:
To read or study something very carefully.
pore through:
To look through something thoroughly.
Related Words
sweat gland:
A gland in the skin that produces sweat, which exits through pores.
A small pore in plants that allows gas exchange.
Slang Meanings of pore
Meaning: To concentrate deeply on something, often used informally.
Example Sentence: I was poring over my notes all night before the exam.
Meaning: To obsessively focus on details.
Example Sentence: Stop poring over every little thing, just make a decision!