He's really popular, and I'm not.
Dia benar-benar populer, dan aku tidak.
Why are you so popular?
Kenapa kau begitu populer?
Electric cars are getting popular.
Mobil listrik semakin populer.
What's the most popular entertainment?
Apa hiburan yang paling populer?
Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world.
Teh adalah minuman yang populer di seluruh dunia.
To become popular, you need to be mediocre.
Untuk menjadi populer, Anda harus biasa-biasa saja.
“The Little Prince” is a very popular book that was translated into many languages.
“The Little Prince” adalah buku yang sangat populer yang diterjemahkan ke banyak bahasa.
They say that golf is very popular in Japan.
Mereka mengatakan bahwa golf sangat populer di Jepang.
Why is she so popular?
Mengapa dia begitu populer?
It's popular among senior citizens.
Ini populer di kalangan warga lanjut usia.
Internet gave me the chance to be popular.
Internet memberi saya kesempatan untuk menjadi populer.
Tom doesn't understand why Mary is so popular.
Tom tidak mengerti mengapa Mary begitu populer.
Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution.
Ubuntu adalah distribusi Linux yang populer.
Yamada isn't very popular with the girls in his school year, but he's popular amongst the younger students.
Yamada tidak terlalu populer di kalangan gadis-gadis di tahun ajarannya, tapi dia populer di kalangan siswa yang lebih muda.
He was popular with voters.
Dia populer di kalangan pemilih.
She is popular not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness.
Dia populer bukan karena kecantikannya, tetapi karena kebaikannya.
This manga is pretty popular in China.
Manga ini cukup populer di China.
Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser.
Internet Explorer adalah browser Web paling populer di dunia.
Contrary to popular opinion, hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after death.
Bertentangan dengan pendapat umum, rambut dan kuku tidak terus tumbuh setelah kematian.
Yumi's hobby is singing popular songs.
Hobi Yumi adalah menyanyikan lagu-lagu populer.