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Translation meaning & definition of the word "piss" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "kencing" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. Liquid excretory product

  • "There was blood in his urine"
  • "The child had to make water"
  • urine
  • ,
  • piss
  • ,
  • pee
  • ,
  • piddle
  • ,
  • weewee
  • ,
  • water

1. Produk ekskresi cair

  • "Ada darah di urinenya"
  • "Anak itu harus membuat air"
  • urin
  • ,
  • piss
  • ,
  • kencing
  • ,
  • piddle
  • ,
  • weewee
  • ,
  • air

2. Informal terms for urination

  • "He took a pee"
  • peeing
  • ,
  • pee
  • ,
  • pissing
  • ,
  • piss

2. Istilah informal untuk buang air kecil

  • "Dia buang air kecil"
  • kencing
  • ,
  • mengencingi
  • ,
  • piss


1. Eliminate urine

  • "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
  • make
  • ,
  • urinate
  • ,
  • piddle
  • ,
  • puddle
  • ,
  • micturate
  • ,
  • piss
  • ,
  • pee
  • ,
  • pee-pee
  • ,
  • make water
  • ,
  • relieve oneself
  • ,
  • take a leak
  • ,
  • spend a penny
  • ,
  • wee
  • ,
  • wee-wee
  • ,
  • pass water

1. Menghilangkan urine

  • "Sekali lagi, kucing itu telah membuat di permadani mahal"
  • membuat
  • ,
  • buang air kecil
  • ,
  • piddle
  • ,
  • genangan air
  • ,
  • berkemih
  • ,
  • piss
  • ,
  • kencing
  • ,
  • pee-pee
  • ,
  • membuat air
  • ,
  • meringankan diri
  • ,
  • ambil kebocoran
  • ,
  • menghabiskan satu sen
  • ,
  • wee
  • ,
  • wee-wee
  • ,
  • lulus air

Examples of using

Old people in supermarkets piss me off.
Orang tua di supermarket membuatku kesal.
I'm dying for a piss.
Aku sekarat karena kencing.
If you piss on the toilet seat, wipe it off!
Jika Anda kencing di dudukan toilet, bersihkan!