You'll need a photograph of yourself for identification.
Anda memerlukan foto diri Anda untuk identifikasi.
May I keep this photograph?
Bolehkah saya menyimpan foto ini?
This photograph reminds me of my childhood.
Foto ini mengingatkan saya pada masa kecil saya.
He secretly showed me her photograph.
Dia diam-diam menunjukkan fotonya padaku.
This is a photograph of my home.
Ini adalah foto rumah saya.
We can lift curses by a photograph.
Kita bisa menghilangkan kutukan melalui sebuah foto.
That's my younger sister's photograph.
Itu foto adik perempuanku.
Glue the photograph to your application form.
Rekatkan foto tersebut ke formulir aplikasi Anda.
A photographer took a photograph of my house.
Seorang fotografer mengambil foto rumah saya.
They laughed at the photograph of my boyhood.
Mereka menertawakan foto masa kecilku.
He showed his photograph album to me.
Dia menunjukkan album fotonya padaku.
He showed me his photograph album.
Dia menunjukkan album fotonya.
He took a photograph of the family.
Dia mengambil foto keluarga.
Attach a recent photograph to your application form.
Lampirkan foto terbaru ke formulir aplikasi Anda.
Show your photograph.
Tunjukkan foto Anda.