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Translation meaning & definition of the word "philosophy" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "filsafat" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school

  • doctrine
  • ,
  • philosophy
  • ,
  • philosophical system
  • ,
  • school of thought
  • ,
  • ism

1. Suatu keyakinan (atau sistem kepercayaan) yang diterima sebagai otoritatif oleh beberapa kelompok atau sekolah

  • doktrin
  • ,
  • philosophy
  • ,
  • sistem filosofis
  • ,
  • mazhab pemikiran
  • ,
  • ism

2. The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics

  • philosophy

2. Investigasi rasional atas pertanyaan tentang keberadaan dan pengetahuan serta etika

  • philosophy

3. Any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation

  • "Self-indulgence was his only philosophy"
  • "My father's philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it"
  • philosophy

3. Keyakinan pribadi apa pun tentang cara hidup atau cara menghadapi suatu situasi

  • "Memanjakan diri adalah satu-satunya filosofinya"
  • "Filosofi ayah saya dalam membesarkan anak adalah membiarkan ibu melakukannya"
  • philosophy

Examples of using

What's the difference between religion and philosophy?
Apa bedanya agama dan filsafat?
David has just published a new book on philosophy.
David baru saja menerbitkan buku baru tentang filsafat.
Tom studied philosophy at the university.
Tom belajar filsafat di universitas.