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Translation meaning & definition of the word "operation" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "operasi" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. The state of being in effect or being operative

  • "That rule is no longer in operation"
  • operation

1. Keadaan berlaku atau sedang beroperasi

  • "Aturan itu tidak lagi berlaku"
  • operasi

2. A business especially one run on a large scale

  • "A large-scale farming operation"
  • "A multinational operation"
  • "They paid taxes on every stage of the operation"
  • "They had to consolidate their operations"
  • operation

2. Sebuah bisnis terutama yang dijalankan dalam skala besar

  • "Operasi pertanian skala besar"
  • "Sebuah operasi multinasional"
  • "Mereka membayar pajak pada setiap tahap operasi"
  • "Mereka harus mengkonsolidasikan operasi mereka"
  • operasi

3. A planned activity involving many people performing various actions

  • "They organized a rescue operation"
  • "The biggest police operation in french history"
  • "Running a restaurant is quite an operation"
  • "Consolidate the companies various operations"
  • operation

3. Suatu kegiatan terencana yang melibatkan banyak orang melakukan berbagai tindakan

  • "Mereka mengatur operasi penyelamatan"
  • "Operasi polisi terbesar dalam sejarah prancis"
  • "Menjalankan restoran adalah operasi yang cukup"
  • "Konsolidasi perusahaan berbagai operasi"
  • operasi

4. (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction)

  • "It can perform millions of operations per second"
  • operation

4. (ilmu komputer) pengolahan data di mana hasilnya sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh aturan (terutama pengolahan yang dihasilkan dari instruksi tunggal)

  • "Itu bisa melakukan jutaan operasi per detik"
  • operasi

5. Activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign)

  • "It was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
  • operation
  • ,
  • military operation

5. Aktivitas oleh kekuatan militer atau angkatan laut (sebagai manuver atau kampanye)

  • "Itu adalah operasi gabungan angkatan laut dan angkatan udara"
  • operasi
  • ,
  • operasi militer

6. A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments

  • Performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body
  • "They will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"
  • "He died while undergoing surgery"
  • operation
  • ,
  • surgery
  • ,
  • surgical operation
  • ,
  • surgical procedure
  • ,
  • surgical process

6. Prosedur medis yang melibatkan sayatan dengan instrumen

  • Dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan atau menahan penyakit pada tubuh yang hidup
  • "Mereka akan menjadwalkan operasi segera setelah ruang operasi tersedia"
  • "Dia meninggal saat menjalani operasi"
  • operasi
  • ,
  • surgery
  • ,
  • operasi bedah
  • ,
  • prosedur bedah
  • ,
  • proses bedah

7. A process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work

  • "The operations in building a house"
  • "Certain machine tool operations"
  • operation
  • ,
  • procedure

7. Suatu proses atau serangkaian tindakan khususnya yang bersifat praktis atau mekanis yang terlibat dalam suatu bentuk pekerjaan tertentu

  • "Operasi dalam membangun rumah"
  • "Operasi alat mesin tertentu"
  • operasi
  • ,
  • prosedur

8. Process or manner of functioning or operating

  • "The power of its engine determines its operation"
  • "The plane's operation in high winds"
  • "They compared the cooking performance of each oven"
  • "The jet's performance conformed to high standards"
  • operation
  • ,
  • functioning
  • ,
  • performance

8. Proses atau cara berfungsi atau beroperasi

  • "Kekuatan mesinnya menentukan operasinya"
  • "Operasi pesawat dalam angin kencang"
  • "Mereka membandingkan kinerja memasak masing-masing oven"
  • "Kinerja jet sesuai dengan standar tinggi"
  • operasi
  • ,
  • berfungsi
  • ,
  • performance

9. (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity

  • An operation that affects mental contents
  • "The process of thinking"
  • "The cognitive operation of remembering"
  • process
  • ,
  • cognitive process
  • ,
  • mental process
  • ,
  • operation
  • ,
  • cognitive operation

9. (psikologi) kinerja beberapa aktivitas kognitif gabungan

  • Operasi yang mempengaruhi isi mental
  • "Proses berpikir"
  • "Operasi kognitif mengingat"
  • proses
  • ,
  • proses kognitif
  • ,
  • proses mental
  • ,
  • operasi
  • ,
  • operasi kognitif

10. (mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods

  • "The problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation"
  • "They were learning the basic operations of arithmetic"
  • mathematical process
  • ,
  • mathematical operation
  • ,
  • operation

10. (matematika) perhitungan dengan metode matematika

  • "Masalah di akhir bab menunjukkan proses matematika yang terlibat dalam derivasi"
  • "Mereka sedang mempelajari operasi dasar aritmatika"
  • proses matematika
  • ,
  • operasi matematika
  • ,
  • operasi

11. The activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.)

  • "Her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"
  • operation

11. Aktivitas mengoperasikan sesuatu (mesin atau bisnis dll)

  • "Pengoperasian kendaraannya yang lancar memberi kami perjalanan yang sangat nyaman"
  • operasi

Examples of using

How long did it take you to recover from your operation?
Berapa lama waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk pulih dari operasi Anda?
What complications can occur with such an operation?
Komplikasi apa yang dapat terjadi dengan operasi semacam itu?
The doctor performed a difficult operation.
Dokter melakukan operasi yang sulit.