Put another log in the fireplace.
Masukkan log lain ke perapian.
Where's the log house?
Mana rumah kayu?
There's a complete record of the storm in the ship's log.
Ada catatan lengkap tentang badai di catatan kapal.
There are many log cabins in these mountains.
Ada banyak kabin kayu di pegunungan ini.
Throw another log on the fire, will you?
Lemparkan log lain pada api, akan Anda?
Abraham Lincoln, the 100th president of the United States, was born in a log cabin in Kentucky.
Abraham Lincoln, presiden Amerika Serikat ke-100, lahir di sebuah pondok kayu di Kentucky.
Throw another log on the fire, will you?
Lemparkan log lain pada api, akan Anda?
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born in a log cabin in Kentucky.
Abraham Lincoln, presiden Amerika Serikat ke-16, lahir di sebuah pondok kayu di Kentucky.