This is the final lecture of the series.
Ini adalah kuliah terakhir dari seri ini.
The subject of the lecture is already determined.
Subjek perkuliahan sudah ditentukan.
Don't lecture me.
Jangan menceramahiku.
The best lecture that you can attend is the one you won't understand.
Ceramah terbaik yang bisa Anda hadiri adalah ceramah yang tidak akan Anda pahami.
The students are listening to a history lecture.
Para siswa sedang mendengarkan kuliah sejarah.
The lecture starts at 100 o' clock.
Kuliah dimulai pukul 100.
Your wonderful lecture was pearls before swine.
Ceramahmu yang luar biasa adalah mutiara di hadapan babi.
They were listening to the lecture attentively.
Mereka mendengarkan ceramah itu dengan penuh perhatian.
I sat at the front in order to hear the lecture clearly.
Saya duduk di depan agar bisa mendengar ceramah dengan jelas.
I ought to have attended the lecture.
Seharusnya aku menghadiri kuliah itu.
The lecture you gave yesterday was masterpiece.
Ceramah yang Anda berikan kemarin adalah sebuah mahakarya.
You kept nodding off during that lecture, didn't you?
Anda terus mengangguk selama kuliah itu, bukan?
The lecture covered a lot of ground.
Ceramahnya mencakup banyak hal.
A few people came to the lecture.
Beberapa orang datang ke ceramah.
We listened to his lecture on the radio.
Kami mendengarkan ceramahnya di radio.
The students sat still, listening to the lecture.
Para siswa duduk diam, mendengarkan ceramah.
Don't lecture me.
Jangan menceramahiku.
Don't lecture me.
Jangan menceramahiku.
Don't lecture me.
Jangan menceramahiku.
The lecture starts at 8 o' clock.
Kuliah dimulai jam 8.