Several ships are stuck in sea ice in Antarctica.
Beberapa kapal terjebak di lautan es di Antartika.
I'd rather have ice cream.
Aku lebih suka makan es krim.
The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight.
Es di danau terlalu tipis untuk menahan berat badan Anda.
Put it on ice.
Taruh di atas es.
Hey, let's eat some ice cream afterwards.
Hei, ayo makan es krim setelahnya.
Solid water is called ice.
Air padat disebut es.
Tom eats more ice cream than I do.
Tom makan lebih banyak es krim daripada saya.
Does your brother like ice skating?
Apakah kakakmu suka seluncur es?
There is ice cream in the freezer.
Ada es krim di dalam freezer.
Give me a little ice cream.
Beri aku sedikit es krim.
I want ice cream.
Aku ingin es krim.
I need ice cubes.
Aku butuh es batu.
I do not like ice cream.
Saya tidak suka es krim.
I don't want any ice cream.
Aku tak mau es krim.
The ice was thick enough to walk on.
Es itu cukup tebal untuk berjalan.
For dessert, Tom ordered chocolate parfait with vanilla ice cream.
Untuk hidangan penutup, Tom memesan parfait coklat dengan es krim vanilla.
The ice will crack under your weight.
Es akan retak di bawah berat badan Anda.