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Translation meaning & definition of the word "gloomy" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "suram" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. Depressingly dark

  • "The gloomy forest"
  • "The glooming interior of an old inn"
  • "`gloomful' is archaic"
  • glooming
  • ,
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • gloomful
  • ,
  • sulky

1. Sangat gelap

  • "Hutan yang suram"
  • "Interior yang suram dari sebuah penginapan tua"
  • "`gloomful' is archaic"
  • suram
  • ,
  • merajuk

2. Filled with melancholy and despondency

  • "Gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"
  • "Gloomy predictions"
  • "A gloomy silence"
  • "Took a grim view of the economy"
  • "The darkening mood"
  • "Lonely and blue in a strange city"
  • "Depressed by the loss of his job"
  • "A dispirited and resigned expression on her face"
  • "Downcast after his defeat"
  • "Feeling discouraged and downhearted"
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • grim
  • ,
  • blue
  • ,
  • depressed
  • ,
  • dispirited
  • ,
  • down(p)
  • ,
  • downcast
  • ,
  • downhearted
  • ,
  • down in the mouth
  • ,
  • low
  • ,
  • low-spirited

2. Dipenuhi dengan kemurungan dan keputusasaan

  • "Suram memikirkan apa yang harus dia hadapi"
  • "Prediksi suram"
  • "Sebuah keheningan suram"
  • "Mengambil pandangan suram tentang ekonomi"
  • "Suasana yang semakin gelap"
  • "Kesepian dan biru di kota yang aneh"
  • "Tertekan karena kehilangan pekerjaannya"
  • "Ekspresi putus asa dan pasrah di wajahnya"
  • "Terdilarang setelah kekalahannya"
  • "Merasa putus asa dan putus asa"
  • suram
  • ,
  • blue
  • ,
  • depresi
  • ,
  • putus asa
  • ,
  • turun(p)
  • ,
  • downcast
  • ,
  • turun di mulut
  • ,
  • low
  • ,
  • rendah hati

3. Causing dejection

  • "A blue day"
  • "The dark days of the war"
  • "A week of rainy depressing weather"
  • "A disconsolate winter landscape"
  • "The first dismal dispiriting days of november"
  • "A dark gloomy day"
  • "Grim rainy weather"
  • blue
  • ,
  • dark
  • ,
  • dingy
  • ,
  • disconsolate
  • ,
  • dismal
  • ,
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • grim
  • ,
  • sorry
  • ,
  • drab
  • ,
  • drear
  • ,
  • dreary

3. Menyebabkan dejeksi

  • "A blue day"
  • "Hari-hari kelam perang"
  • "Seminggu cuaca hujan yang menyedihkan"
  • "Lanskap musim dingin yang menyendiri"
  • "Hari-hari menyedihkan pertama di bulan november"
  • "Hari suram yang kelam"
  • "Cuaca hujan yang suram"
  • blue
  • ,
  • dark
  • ,
  • suram
  • ,
  • mendiskonsolasi
  • ,
  • maaf
  • ,
  • menjemukan

Examples of using

Today I've seen tens of gloomy angry faces glancing at me.
Hari ini aku telah melihat puluhan wajah muram marah melirikku.
The room is very gloomy.
Ruangannya sangat suram.
The future looked very gloomy.
Masa depan tampak sangat suram.