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Translation meaning & definition of the word "fur" into Indonesian language

Terjemahan makna & definisi kata "fur" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. The dressed hairy coat of a mammal

  • fur
  • ,
  • pelt

1. Mantel berbulu mamalia berpakaian

  • bulu
  • ,
  • pelt

2. Dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals (e.g., cat or seal or weasel)

  • fur

2. Bulu halus halus halus pada mamalia (mis., kucing atau anjing laut atau musang)

  • bulu

3. A garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

  • fur

3. Pakaian yang terbuat dari mantel berbulu mamalia berpakaian

  • bulu

Examples of using

Burglars broke into our apartment and stole my wife's fur coat.
Pencuri masuk ke apartemen kami dan mencuri mantel bulu istri saya.
Our cat's fur has lost its luster.
Bulu kucing kami telah kehilangan kilauannya.
I held the fur coat close to my cheek and dreamt of the day I would be able to afford it.
Aku memegang mantel bulu di dekat pipiku dan memimpikan hari dimana aku akan mampu membelinya.