When Tom reached the front door, he noticed it was slightly open.
Ketika Tom sampai di pintu depan, dia menyadari pintu itu sedikit terbuka.
"A new cafe has opened up in front of the train station. Wouldn't you like to go there with me sometime?" "Of course! When would be good for you?"
"Sebuah kafe baru telah dibuka di depan stasiun kereta. Tidakkah kamu ingin pergi ke sana bersamaku kapan-kapan?" "Tentu saja! Kapan akan baik untuk Anda?"
You should travel while you're young instead of spending time in front of the computer.
Anda harus bepergian saat Anda masih muda daripada menghabiskan waktu di depan komputer.
The notice was put on the front page.
Pemberitahuan itu diletakkan di halaman depan.
The car pulled up in front of the house.
Mobil berhenti di depan rumah.
I've never seen a more enticing woman than the one standing in front of me right now.
Aku belum pernah melihat wanita yang lebih memikat daripada yang berdiri di depanku saat ini.
For how many hours can you sit in front of the computer?
Untuk berapa jam Anda bisa duduk di depan komputer?
He kissed me in front of everyone.
Dia menciumku di depan semua orang.
The snow was piled up outside the front door.
Salju menumpuk di luar pintu depan.
I bought this book at the bookshop in front of the station.
Buku ini saya beli di toko buku di depan stasiun.
Tom eats alone in front of his computer.
Tom makan sendirian di depan komputernya.
One day, a cat showed up at my front door.
Suatu hari, seekor kucing muncul di pintu depan rumahku.
Tom sits in front of the TV set. He doesn't learn German.
Tom duduk di depan TV. Dia tidak belajar bahasa Jerman.