It was only when the fog lifted that we noticed that we had slept on the edge of an abyss.
Hanya ketika kabut terangkat, kami menyadari bahwa kami telah tidur di tepi jurang.
The fog lifted quickly.
Kabut terangkat dengan cepat.
A thick fog blanketed the city.
Kabut tebal menyelimuti kota.
Because of the dense fog, nothing could be seen.
Karena kabut tebal, tidak ada yang bisa dilihat.
The fog began to lift.
Kabut mulai terangkat.
The fog was so dense, we could hardly see anything.
Kabutnya sangat padat, kami hampir tidak bisa melihat apa pun.
Because of the heavy fog, we could barely see the road in front of us.
Karena kabut tebal, kami hampir tidak bisa melihat jalan di depan kami.
Because of the heavy fog, not a single person could be seen.
Karena kabut tebal, tidak ada satu orang pun yang terlihat.
Because of the thick fog, the street was hard to see.
Karena kabut tebal, jalanan sulit dilihat.
We could see nothing but fog.
Kami tidak bisa melihat apa pun selain kabut.
Due to the fog, traffic is temporarily suspended.
Karena kabut, lalu lintas dihentikan sementara.
The fog is getting thicker.
Kabut semakin tebal.
The fog was thickening quickly.
Kabut menebal dengan cepat.
In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell.
Selain kabut tebal, terjadi gelombang besar.
The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog.
Anak laki-laki itu mengatakan bahwa taksi itu menghilang ke dalam kabut.
We got lost in the fog.
Kami tersesat dalam kabut.
Today the fog is as thick as pea soup.
Hari ini kabutnya setebal sup kacang.
Mr Smith lost his way in the dense fog.
Tuan Smith tersesat dalam kabut tebal.
The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog.
Cahaya lampu berkilauan dalam kabut.