He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Dia yang tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun lebih dekat kepada kebenaran daripada dia yang pikirannya dipenuhi dengan kepalsuan dan kesalahan.
Today I hooked my trailer up to my car, filled it with rubbish and took a very full load to the local rubbish dump.
Hari ini saya mengaitkan trailer saya ke mobil saya, mengisinya dengan sampah dan membawa muatan yang sangat penuh ke tempat pembuangan sampah setempat.
I filled the jug to the brim.
Aku mengisi kendi sampai penuh.
Tom's heart was filled with sorrow.
Hati Tom dipenuhi dengan kesedihan.
We received the order yesterday, but haven't filled it yet.
Pesanan sudah kami terima kemarin, tapi belum terisi.
My house is filled with stuff.
Rumahku dipenuhi barang-barang.
My house is filled with things.
Rumahku dipenuhi dengan barang-barang.
Tom filled the balloons with helium.
Tom mengisi balon dengan helium.
That hole should be filled, not covered.
Lubang itu harus diisi, bukan ditutup.
He filled the glasses with wine.
Dia mengisi gelas dengan anggur.
The room became filled with smoke.
Ruangan itu menjadi dipenuhi asap.
Tom filled out the job application form.
Tom mengisi formulir lamaran kerja.
The room filled with laughter.
Ruangan itu dipenuhi tawa.
Tom filled his bag with walnuts.
Tom mengisi tasnya dengan kenari.
Tom filled the bottle with drinking water.
Tom mengisi botol dengan air minum.
A rattlesnake's bite is filled with poison.
Gigitan ular derik dipenuhi racun.
The sky was filled with stars.
Langit dipenuhi bintang.
That room is filled with a cloud of cigarette smoke.