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Translation meaning & definition of the word "feel" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "merasa" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. An intuitive awareness

  • "He has a feel for animals" or "it's easy when you get the feel of it"
  • feel

1. Sebuah kesadaran intuitif

  • "Dia memiliki perasaan untuk hewan" atau "itu mudah ketika anda merasakannya"
  • feel

2. The general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

  • "The feel of the city excited him"
  • "A clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"
  • "It had the smell of treason"
  • spirit
  • ,
  • tone
  • ,
  • feel
  • ,
  • feeling
  • ,
  • flavor
  • ,
  • flavour
  • ,
  • look
  • ,
  • smell

2. Suasana umum suatu tempat atau situasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap manusia

  • "Rasa kota membuatnya bersemangat"
  • "Seorang pendeta memperbaiki nada pertemuan"
  • "Itu memiliki bau pengkhianatan"
  • spirit
  • ,
  • nada
  • ,
  • feel
  • ,
  • feeling
  • ,
  • flavor
  • ,
  • rasa
  • ,
  • look
  • ,
  • bau

3. A property perceived by touch

  • tactile property
  • ,
  • feel

3. Properti yang dirasakan melalui sentuhan

  • properti taktil
  • ,
  • feel

4. Manual stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure

  • "The girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel"
  • feel

4. Stimulasi manual pada area genital untuk kenikmatan seksual

  • "Gadis-gadis itu membencinya ketika dia mencoba menyelinap merasakan"
  • feel


1. Undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind

  • "She felt resentful"
  • "He felt regret"
  • feel
  • ,
  • experience

1. Menjalani sensasi emosional atau berada dalam keadaan pikiran tertentu

  • "Dia merasa kesal"
  • "Dia merasa menyesal"
  • feel
  • ,
  • pengalaman

2. Come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds

  • "I feel that he doesn't like me"
  • "I find him to be obnoxious"
  • "I found the movie rather entertaining"
  • find
  • ,
  • feel

2. Menjadi percaya atas dasar emosi, intuisi, atau alasan yang tidak terbatas

  • "Aku merasa bahwa dia tidak menyukaiku"
  • "Saya merasa dia menjengkelkan"
  • "Saya menemukan film itu agak menghibur"
  • find
  • ,
  • feel

3. Perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles

  • "He felt the wind"
  • "She felt an object brushing her arm"
  • "He felt his flesh crawl"
  • "She felt the heat when she got out of the car"
  • feel
  • ,
  • sense

3. Merasakan oleh sensasi fisik, mis., berasal dari kulit atau otot

  • "Dia merasakan angin"
  • "Dia merasakan ada benda yang menyikat lengannya"
  • "Dia merasakan dagingnya merangkak"
  • "Dia merasakan panas ketika dia keluar dari mobil"
  • feel
  • ,
  • sense

4. Be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state

  • "My cold is gone--i feel fine today"
  • "She felt tired after the long hike"
  • "She felt sad after her loss"
  • feel

4. Sadar akan keadaan fisik, mental, atau emosional

  • "Pilekku hilang--aku merasa baik-baik saja hari ini"
  • "Dia merasa lelah setelah pendakian yang panjang"
  • "Dia merasa sedih setelah kehilangannya"
  • feel

5. Have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude

  • "She felt small and insignificant"
  • "You make me feel naked"
  • "I made the students feel different about themselves"
  • feel

5. Memiliki perasaan atau persepsi tentang diri sendiri sebagai reaksi terhadap perilaku atau sikap seseorang

  • "Dia merasa kecil dan tidak berarti"
  • "Kau membuatku merasa telanjang"
  • "Saya membuat para siswa merasa berbeda tentang diri mereka sendiri"
  • feel

6. Undergo passive experience of:"we felt the effects of inflation"

  • "Her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"
  • "She felt his contempt of her"
  • feel

6. Menjalani pengalaman pasif dari:"kami merasakan efek inflasi"

  • "Jari-jarinya merasakan jalan mereka melalui kuartet gesek"
  • "Dia merasakan penghinaannya terhadapnya"
  • feel

7. Be felt or perceived in a certain way

  • "The ground feels shaky"
  • "The sheets feel soft"
  • feel

7. Dirasakan atau dipersepsikan dengan cara tertentu

  • "Tanah terasa goyah"
  • "Lembarannya terasa lembut"
  • feel

8. Grope or feel in search of something

  • "He felt for his wallet"
  • feel

8. Meraba-raba atau merasa mencari sesuatu

  • "Dia merasakan dompetnya"
  • feel

9. Examine by touch

  • "Feel this soft cloth!"
  • "The customer fingered the sweater"
  • feel
  • ,
  • finger

9. Periksa dengan sentuhan

  • "Rasakan kain lembut ini!"
  • "Pelanggan meraba sweter"
  • feel
  • ,
  • jari

10. Examine (a body part) by palpation

  • "The nurse palpated the patient's stomach"
  • "The runner felt her pulse"
  • palpate
  • ,
  • feel

10. Periksa (bagian tubuh) dengan palpasi

  • "Perawat meraba perut pasien"
  • "Pelari merasakan denyut nadinya"
  • berdebar
  • ,
  • feel

11. Find by testing or cautious exploration

  • "He felt his way around the dark room"
  • feel

11. Temukan dengan pengujian atau eksplorasi hati-hati

  • "Dia merasakan jalan di sekitar ruangan gelap"
  • feel

12. Produce a certain impression

  • "It feels nice to be home again"
  • feel

12. Menghasilkan kesan tertentu

  • "Rasanya menyenangkan bisa pulang lagi"
  • feel

13. Pass one's hands over the sexual organs of

  • "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
  • feel

13. Melewati tangan seseorang di atas organ seksual dari

  • "Dia merasakan gadis itu di bioskop"
  • feel

Examples of using

If you don't feel like it, go home! Otherwise you're just standing in the way.
Jika Anda tidak merasa seperti itu, pulanglah! Kalau tidak, Anda hanya menghalangi.
I don't feel well and would rather stay at home today.
Saya merasa tidak enak badan dan lebih suka tinggal di rumah hari ini.
I feel quite put out about it.
Saya merasa cukup kecewa dengan hal itu.