The laboratory is busy now on a new scientific experiment.
Laboratorium sekarang sedang sibuk dengan eksperimen ilmiah baru.
The scientists weren't sure if the experiment was going to work.
Para ilmuwan tidak yakin apakah eksperimen itu akan berhasil.
They carried out a new chemical experiment.
Mereka melakukan percobaan kimia baru.
The results of the experiment have disappointed us very much.
Hasil percobaan telah membuat kami sangat kecewa.
We'd like to see the results of the experiment.
Kami ingin melihat hasil percobaannya.
Nevertheless I think the experiment was successful.
Namun demikian saya pikir eksperimen itu berhasil.
Don't be afraid to experiment.
Jangan takut untuk bereksperimen.
The experiment must begin.
Percobaan harus dimulai.
The experiment has to begin.
Percobaan harus dimulai.
The experiment succeeded.
Percobaan berhasil.
The experiment failed.
Percobaan gagal.
Today we will carry out an experiment about Ohm's Law.
Hari ini kita akan melakukan percobaan tentang Hukum Ohm.
That experiment led to a great discovery.
Eksperimen itu menghasilkan penemuan besar.
Everybody expected that the experiment would result in failure.
Semua orang berharap eksperimen ini akan menghasilkan kegagalan.
If other conditions are equal, the temperature must be the most influential element in this experiment.
Jika kondisi lain sama, suhu harus menjadi elemen yang paling berpengaruh dalam percobaan ini.
The experiment was successful.
Percobaan berhasil.
The whole experiment was recorded on film.
Seluruh percobaan direkam dalam film.
The results of the experiment were not as we had hoped.
Hasil percobaan tidak seperti yang kami harapkan.
We were disappointed with the results of the experiment.
Kami kecewa dengan hasil percobaan.
They carried out a new experiment in chemistry.
Mereka melakukan percobaan baru dalam kimia.