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IPA : /dez/
The murder scene was still a hive of police activity several days after the man's body had been discovered.
TKP masih menjadi sarang aktivitas polisi beberapa hari setelah jenazah pria itu ditemukan.
There are only three days left.
Tinggal tiga hari lagi.
The storm has been raging for three days.
Badai telah berkecamuk selama tiga hari.
A Palestinian woman in tears after Israeli occupation forces demolished her house and barn in Northern Jordan Valley. Palestine is now a days exposed to Polar Trough, the weather is very cold and these people have become homeless and no other place to shelter them, 100 December, 100
Seorang wanita Palestina menangis setelah pasukan pendudukan Israel menghancurkan rumah dan gudangnya di Lembah Jordan Utara. Palestina kini menjadi hari-hari yang terkena Palung Kutub, cuaca sangat dingin dan orang-orang ini menjadi tunawisma dan tidak ada tempat lain untuk melindungi mereka, 100 Desember 100
There was a time when I listened only to this songs continuously for days.
Ada suatu masa ketika saya hanya mendengarkan lagu-lagu ini terus menerus selama berhari-hari.
If you're going away for a day, take food for three days.
Jika Anda akan pergi selama sehari, ambil makanan selama tiga hari.
Now it's four days to Saturday.
Sekarang sudah empat hari menuju Sabtu.
In two days, I'll turn 100.
Dalam dua hari, saya akan berusia 100 tahun.
Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty or thirty-one days make up a month.
Dua puluh delapan, dua puluh sembilan, tiga puluh atau tiga puluh satu hari merupakan satu bulan.
In the old days, when man was innocent, God sent his daughter to see the Earth.
Di masa lalu, ketika manusia tidak bersalah, Tuhan mengirim putrinya untuk melihat Bumi.
In peacetime, we worked five days a week.
Di masa damai, kami bekerja lima hari seminggu.
Tom wore a patch on his eye for several days.
Tom memakai penutup matanya selama beberapa hari.
I will stay at your place for some days.
Aku akan tinggal di tempatmu selama beberapa hari.
I'm going to stay at your countryhouse for a couple of days, and I think you don't mind.
Saya akan tinggal di rumah pedesaan Anda selama beberapa hari, dan saya pikir Anda tidak keberatan.
The roof is going to fall in one of these days.
Atapnya akan runtuh suatu hari nanti.
The hot weather was followed by several days of rain.
Cuaca panas diikuti oleh hujan selama beberapa hari.
We have only three days.
Kita hanya punya tiga hari.
We all have our off days.
Kita semua memiliki hari libur kita.
I want to stay here a few days.
Aku ingin tinggal di sini beberapa hari.
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