I thought I would be nervous, but I was cool as a cucumber.
Kupikir aku akan gugup, tapi aku keren seperti mentimun.
It's not clear whether the cucumber infected the people, or if the people infected the cucumber.
Tidak jelas apakah mentimun itu menginfeksi orang-orang, atau jika orang-orang itu menginfeksi mentimun.
Seeing the face of his wife covered in green spots, he had a heart attack. Yet another victim of the killer cucumber!
Melihat wajah istrinya yang dipenuhi bintik-bintik hijau, ia mengalami serangan jantung. Namun korban lain dari mentimun pembunuh!
Tabloids assert that the killer cucumber would have sodomised the mad cow.
Tabloid menegaskan bahwa mentimun pembunuh akan menyodomi sapi gila tersebut.
The killer cucumber is sexist.
Mentimun pembunuh itu seksis.
I am eating a cucumber.
Saya sedang makan mentimun.
What a long cucumber!
Mentimun yang panjang!
I was cool as a cucumber.
Aku keren seperti mentimun.