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IPA : /kənsɪdərd/
Obesity is considered by far the most serious health issue facing the developed world.
Obesitas sejauh ini dianggap sebagai masalah kesehatan paling serius yang dihadapi negara maju.
All things considered, I think we could say that the meeting was successful and met its objectives.
Jika mempertimbangkan semua hal, saya pikir kita dapat mengatakan bahwa pertemuan tersebut berhasil dan mencapai tujuannya.
The translators of the New Testament were considered heretics.
Para penerjemah Perjanjian Baru dianggap sesat.
Tom considered it an insult not to be invited to the party.
Tom menganggapnya sebagai penghinaan jika tidak diundang ke pesta.
Elena Mizulina, infamous for her legislative initiatives, suggested in her interview to the REN-TV channel that the phrase “gays are people too” may be considered extremist.
Elena Mizulina, yang terkenal karena inisiatif legislatifnya, menyatakan dalam wawancaranya dengan saluran REN-TV bahwa frasa “gay adalah manusia juga” dapat dianggap ekstremis.
Tom is considered an expert in his field.
Tom dianggap ahli di bidangnya.
Having considered your proposal, we have decided that we are unable to lower the price.
Setelah mempertimbangkan proposal Anda, kami memutuskan bahwa kami tidak dapat menurunkan harga.
Any suspect case is considered a public health emergency due to the severity of this illness.
Setiap kasus yang dicurigai dianggap sebagai darurat kesehatan masyarakat karena tingkat keparahan penyakit ini.
We considered that.
Kami menganggap bahwa.
He was considered very qualified for the job.
Dia dianggap sangat memenuhi syarat untuk pekerjaan itu.
When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only the person still doesn't understand, but gets irritated at being considered deaf.
Ketika seorang penutur bahasa Inggris menyadari bahwa orang asing yang diajak bicara tidak memahami salah satu kalimatnya, mereka mengulanginya dengan cara yang sama, tetapi lebih keras, seolah-olah orang tersebut tuli. Mereka sama sekali tidak berpikir bahwa kosakata mereka mungkin rumit atau bahwa ekspresi mereka mungkin ambigu bagi orang asing dan bahwa mereka dapat menulis ulang dengan cara yang lebih sederhana. Hasilnya bukan hanya orangnya saja yang masih belum mengerti, tapi jengkel dianggap tuli.
I know you considered me a close friend.
Aku tahu kau menganggapku teman dekat.
I considered going to Armenia.
Saya mempertimbangkan untuk pergi ke Armenia.
They are considered the greatest rock band in history.
Mereka dianggap sebagai band rock terbesar dalam sejarah.
In Hong Kong there are two types of liquid food which are considered absolutely vital: Cantonese soup and congee. It is curious to note that however "thick and ingredient-filled" the soup is, it's always drunk and however "thin" the congee is, it's always eaten.
Di Hong Kong ada dua jenis makanan cair yang dianggap sangat penting: sup Kanton dan bubur. Sungguh mengherankan untuk dicatat bahwa betapapun "kental dan penuh bahan" supnya, selalu diminum dan betapapun "tipisnya" buburnya, selalu dimakan.
I wonder if Tom has ever considered buying a smaller car.
Saya ingin tahu apakah Tom pernah mempertimbangkan untuk membeli mobil yang lebih kecil.
English is considered an international language.
Bahasa Inggris dianggap sebagai bahasa internasional.
Lack of originality, everywhere, all over the world, from time immemorial, has always been considered the foremost quality and the recommendation of the active, efficient and practical man...
Kurangnya orisinalitas, di mana-mana, di seluruh dunia, sejak dahulu kala, selalu dianggap sebagai kualitas terdepan dan rekomendasi dari pria yang aktif, efisien dan praktis...
Slaves were considered property.
Budak dianggap sebagai properti.
In some cultures, a resounding belch after a meal is considered a compliment to the chef.
Dalam beberapa budaya, bersendawa gemilang setelah makan dianggap sebagai pujian bagi koki.
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Other Words Form
- consensus
- consent
- consenting
- consequence
- consequent
- consequently
- conservation
- conservative
- conservator
- conserve
- consider
- considerable
- considerably
- considerate
- consideration
- consist
- consistency
- consistent
- consistently
- consolation
- console
- consolidated
- consoling
- conspicuous
- conspiracy
- conspiratorial
- constancy
- constant
- constantly