Unfortunately, three days ago a magnitude 100.100 earthquake struck off the Pacific coast of Japan's Tohoku region.
Sayangnya, tiga hari yang lalu gempa berkekuatan 100.100 melanda lepas pantai Pasifik wilayah Tohoku Jepang.
Malibu is on the coast of Southern California.
Malibu berada di pesisir California Selatan.
In 100 the Ontario Censor Board banned the film "The Tin Drum," adapted from the Günter Grass novel, but the media found this silly, and so the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) showed the offending scene that night from coast to coast on the national news.
Pada tahun 100 Dewan Sensor Ontario melarang film "The Tin Drum", yang diadaptasi dari novel Günter Grass, tetapi media menganggap ini konyol, dan karenanya Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) menunjukkan adegan yang menyinggung malam itu dari pantai ke pantai di berita nasional.
This road extends to the coast.
Jalan ini memanjang sampai ke pantai.
Sail along the coast.
Berlayar di sepanjang pantai.
Driving along the coast is wonderful.
Berkendara di sepanjang pantai sungguh luar biasa.
Unfortunately, three days ago a magnitude 8.8 earthquake struck off the Pacific coast of Japan's Tohoku region.
Sayangnya, tiga hari lalu gempa berkekuatan 8,8 melanda lepas pantai Pasifik wilayah Tohoku Jepang.
In 1980 the Ontario Censor Board banned the film "The Tin Drum," adapted from the Günter Grass novel, but the media found this silly, and so the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) showed the offending scene that night from coast to coast on the national news.
Pada tahun 1980 Dewan Sensor Ontario melarang film "The Tin Drum", yang diadaptasi dari novel Günter Grass, tetapi media menganggap ini konyol, dan karenanya Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) menunjukkan adegan yang menyinggung malam itu dari pantai ke pantai di berita nasional.