Keep climbing.
Teruslah mendaki.
That girl loved climbing trees.
Gadis itu suka memanjat pohon.
He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
Ia berhasil mendaki gunung.
I have many hobbies - fishing and climbing, for example.
Saya punya banyak hobi - memancing dan memanjat, misalnya.
Children like climbing trees.
Anak-anak suka memanjat pohon.
After six hours' climbing, we finally succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.
Setelah enam jam mendaki, akhirnya kami berhasil mencapai puncak gunung.
The climber stayed alert while climbing the precipice.
Pendaki tetap waspada saat mendaki jurang.
Squirrels are nimble in climbing trees.
Tupai gesit memanjat pohon.
I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in the jungle of Indonesia.
Saya sudah melakukan panjat tebing dan menyelam di laut dalam dan tidur di hutan Indonesia.
I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.
Saya melihat beberapa monyet memanjat pohon.
We think it most dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone.
Kami pikir yang paling berbahaya adalah Anda mendaki gunung sendirian.
Keep climbing.
Teruslah mendaki.
Keep climbing.
Teruslah mendaki.
Keep climbing.
Teruslah mendaki.
He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
Ia berhasil mendaki gunung.
He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
Ia berhasil mendaki gunung.
I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.
Saya melihat beberapa monyet memanjat pohon.
I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.
Saya melihat beberapa monyet memanjat pohon.
I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.
Saya melihat beberapa monyet memanjat pohon.