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Translation meaning & definition of the word "chips" into Indonesian language

Arti terjemahan & definisi kata "chips" ke dalam bahasa Indonesia





1. Strips of potato fried in deep fat

  • french fries
  • ,
  • french-fried potatoes
  • ,
  • fries
  • ,
  • chips

1. Potongan kentang digoreng dengan lemak dalam

  • french fries
  • ,
  • kentang goreng
  • ,
  • chips

Examples of using

Tom ate half a bag of potato chips.
Tom makan setengah kantong keripik kentang.
Continue stirring until the chocolate chips are mixed uniformly through the cookie dough.
Lanjutkan pengadukan hingga keping coklat tercampur merata melalui adonan kue.
Potato chips are not good for you.
Keripik kentang tidak baik untuk Anda.