This sentence needs to be checked by a native speaker.
Kalimat ini perlu diperiksa oleh native speaker.
Kate checked the tasks off of her to-do list.
Kate memeriksa tugas dari daftar tugasnya.
I've checked the records.
Aku sudah memeriksa catatannya.
I haven't checked my messages yet this morning.
Saya belum memeriksa pesan saya pagi ini.
Tom checked his pants pockets.
Tom memeriksa saku celananya.
When was the last time you checked your e-mail box?
Kapan terakhir kali Anda memeriksa kotak e-mail Anda?
Tom checked his wallet to see how much money he had.
Tom memeriksa dompetnya untuk melihat berapa banyak uang yang dia miliki.
Tom checked to make sure the gas was turned off.
Tom memeriksa untuk memastikan gas dimatikan.
Tom checked to make sure his gun was loaded.
Tom memeriksa untuk memastikan senjatanya terisi.
Tom checked to make sure all the doors were locked before he went to sleep.
Tom memeriksa untuk memastikan semua pintu terkunci sebelum dia tidur.
This sentence needs to be checked.
Kalimat ini perlu diperiksa.
I checked to make sure that he was still alive.
Aku memeriksa untuk memastikan bahwa dia masih hidup.
He checked the calculations again just to make sure.
Dia memeriksa perhitungan lagi hanya untuk memastikan.
As I checked your delivery that I received, I found it included a T-shirt which I did not order.
Saat saya memeriksa kiriman Anda yang saya terima, saya menemukan itu termasuk T-shirt yang tidak saya pesan.
I checked every part according to the instruction book, but it did not run.
Saya memeriksa setiap bagian sesuai dengan buku instruksi, tetapi tidak berjalan.
He checked in at a good hotel.
Dia check in di hotel yang bagus.
We checked out of the hotel at ten.
Kami check out dari hotel di sepuluh.
Have you checked the engine?
Kau sudah periksa mesinnya?
I've checked the records.
Aku sudah memeriksa catatannya.
I've checked the records.
Aku sudah memeriksa catatannya.