Tom was carrying a bucket of water.
Tom membawa seember air.
He kicked the bucket.
Dia menendang ember.
Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.
Baiklah, saya bisa mencoretnya dari daftar keinginan saya.
I live in a giant bucket.
Aku tinggal di ember raksasa.
Give me a metal bucket with oil.
Beri aku ember logam dengan minyak.
He collected an entire bucket of water.
Dia mengumpulkan seluruh ember air.
I have to peel a whole bucket of apples for a jam.
Saya harus mengupas seember apel untuk selai.
There's almost no water in the bucket.
Hampir tidak ada air di ember.
That bucket is the best deal for your money.
Ember itu adalah kesepakatan terbaik untuk uang Anda.
He filled the bucket with water.
Dia mengisi ember dengan air.
I poured water into the bucket.
Aku menuangkan air ke dalam ember.
When my old man kicked the bucket last month, he left me only enough money to pay my debt with.
Ketika orang tua saya menendang ember bulan lalu, dia meninggalkan saya hanya cukup uang untuk membayar utang saya dengan.
Private charity is only a drop in the bucket.
Amal pribadi hanya setetes dalam ember.
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.
Tidak peduli berapa banyak Anda terburu-buru usaha Anda hanya setetes dalam ember.
There's a hole in this bucket.
Ada lubang di ember ini.
The bucket was full of water.
Ember itu penuh dengan air.
There is little water in the bucket.
Ada sedikit air di ember.
He kicked the bucket.
Dia menendang ember.
He kicked the bucket.
Dia menendang ember.
There's almost no water in the bucket.
Hampir tidak ada air di ember.