Meaning & Definition of word "Bombshell"






    • 1. A shocking or exciting disclosure or event.
      • Example: The announcement of the merger came as a bombshell to the employees.
    • 2. A very attractive or sexually appealing person.
      • Example: She walked into the room like a bombshell, turning heads wherever she went.


    • 1. To surprise someone with a sudden and shocking piece of news.
      • Example: I didn’t expect him to bombshell with such important news at dinner.


    The term originated during World War I, referring to a shell bomb that caused dramatic explosions, later used metaphorically.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    bombshell announcement:

    a surprising news or statement that has significant impact.

    drop a bombshell:

    to make an unexpected and shocking statement.

    a bombshell body:

    an attractive physical appearance.

    Related Words


    a surprising and previously unknown fact.


    an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

    Slang Meanings of bombshell

    Meaning: A strikingly attractive woman.

    Example Sentence: She's a total bombshell, turning heads wherever she goes.

    Meaning: A remarkable surprise or piece of news.

    Example Sentence: When he proposed at the party, it was a real bombshell for everyone.