Tom was arrested in Boston yesterday afternoon.
Tom ditangkap di Boston kemarin sore.
I think it might rain this afternoon.
Kurasa sore ini mungkin hujan.
She passed away yesterday afternoon.
Dia meninggal kemarin sore.
The movie I saw yesterday afternoon was quite good.
Film yang saya tonton kemarin sore cukup bagus.
The most amazing thing happened this afternoon.
Hal yang paling menakjubkan terjadi sore ini.
Could you come over and help me this afternoon?
Bisakah Anda datang dan membantu saya sore ini?
They will hold a meeting at 100 o'clock this afternoon.
Mereka akan mengadakan pertemuan pada pukul 100 siang ini.
I've been lopping trees all afternoon and shredding them into mulch for the garden.
Saya telah menebang pohon sepanjang sore dan merobeknya menjadi mulsa untuk taman.
What do you say about meeting at around 100-100 in the afternoon tomorrow to have a lunch?
Apa yang Anda katakan tentang pertemuan sekitar pukul 100-100 sore besok untuk makan siang?
Tom is meeting Mary this afternoon.
Tom bertemu Mary sore ini.
They're having a diving contest this afternoon.
Mereka mengadakan kontes menyelam sore ini.
The court was in session from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon.
Sidang berlangsung dari pukul delapan pagi hingga pukul lima sore.
I'm going to study French this afternoon.
Aku akan belajar bahasa Prancis sore ini.
I know where they will be this afternoon.
Aku tahu di mana mereka akan berada sore ini.
I've been here all afternoon.
Aku sudah di sini sepanjang sore.
I'm leaving in the afternoon.
Aku berangkat sore hari.
Can you come this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon?
Bisa datang sore ini atau besok siang?
If you want to, call me this afternoon.
Jika kau mau, hubungi aku sore ini.
I'm taking my son to the zoo this afternoon.
Aku akan membawa anakku ke kebun binatang sore ini.
I'm going to study English this afternoon.
Aku akan belajar bahasa Inggris sore ini.