Meaning & Definition of word "Resemblance"






    • 1. The state of resembling or being alike; similarity.
      • Example: There is a striking resemblance between the twin sisters, making it difficult to tell them apart.
    • 2. The quality of being similar to someone or something.
      • Example: The resemblance of the painting to the original masterpiece was remarkable.
    • 3. A likeness or similarity in appearance or character.
      • Example: His resemblance to his father is uncanny, especially when they smile.
    • 4. A comparison or analogy.
      • Example: The scientist drew a resemblance between the behavior of the animals and that of humans.
    • 5. An identifying feature or characteristic.
      • Example: The detective noted the resemblance of the suspect to the composite sketch.


    Middle English: from Old French 'ressemblance', based on 'ressembler' meaning 'to resemble'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    a striking resemblance:

    an obvious and notable similarity.

    bear a resemblance to:

    to be similar in appearance to something.

    resemblance to someone:

    looking or behaving like someone else.

    Related Words


    the state of being similar; likeness.


    the state of being strikingly different from something else.

    Slang Meanings of resemblance

    Meaning: twinsies

    Example Sentence: When they showed up in the same outfit, it was like twinsies!

    Meaning: doppelgänger

    Example Sentence: I saw my doppelgänger at the mall; we looked so alike!