Meaning & Definition of word "Libra"
- 1. A constellation in the southern sky, represented by a pair of scales; used astrologically to denote the period from about September 23 to October 22.
- Example: She was born under the sign of Libra, which is known for its emphasis on balance and harmony.
- 2. The seventh astrological sign in the zodiac, associated with the element of air and ruled by Venus.
- Example: As a Libra, he values relationships and often seeks fairness in all aspects of life.
- 3. A unit of weight used in some countries, which is equivalent to about 0.45 kilograms.
- Example: The recipe called for two libra of flour to make the bread.
- 1. An abbreviation for the word 'libra', often used in measurements or for referring to the currency in some contexts.
- Example: The price of the item was listed in libra, indicating the local currency.
From Latin 'libra' meaning 'scales' or 'balance'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
Libra season:
The period when the sun is in the Libra constellation, typically from September 23 to October 22.
Born under Libra:
Refers to someone whose zodiac sign is Libra.
Let’s keep this balanced like a Libra:
A phrase used to express the need for fairness and equity.
Related Words
A band of the sky along which the sun, moon, and planets move.
The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as affecting human affairs.
The zodiac sign preceding Libra, known for stability and determination.
Slang Meanings of libra
Meaning: Libra vibes
Example Sentence: She has such Libra vibes with her love for harmony and fairness.
Meaning: Libra energy
Example Sentence: You can feel the Libra energy in this debate; everyone is trying to find common ground.