Meaning & Definition of word "Lenient"
- 1. Not strict or harsh; inclined to be merciful or tolerant.
- Example: The teacher was lenient with her grading policy, allowing students extra time to complete their assignments.
- 2. Permissive or tolerant in the application of rules or discipline.
- Example: The judge was lenient in sentencing, giving the defendant a chance for rehabilitation.
- 3. Characterized by a tendency to forgive or overlook faults.
- Example: Parents often become lenient when it comes to their children's mistakes, opting for conversation over punishment.
- 4. Mild or gentle in disposition or nature.
- Example: The lenient weather during the spring made it a perfect time for gardening.
From Latin 'lenientem', the present participle of 'lenire', meaning 'to soothe or soften'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
lenient hand:
A style of handing out punishment that is not very strict.
lenient punishment:
A penalty that is not harsh or severe.
Related Words
The quality of being lenient; permissiveness.
In a manner that is lenient.
The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with.
Slang Meanings of lenient
Meaning: Easygoing about rules or expectations.
Example Sentence: That coach is so lenient, he lets the team play however they want.