Meaning & Definition of word "Snobbery"
- 1. The character or quality of being a snob; an attitude of superiority or disdain for those considered lower in status or class.
- Example: Her snobbery was evident when she turned her nose up at the affordable restaurant.
- 2. The behavior of treating others with disdain based on their perceived social status.
- Example: His snobbery prevented him from making friends with anyone who didn't share his elite tastes.
- 3. An excessive pride in one's social status or wealth, leading to contempt for those considered inferior.
- Example: The film critiques the snobbery of the upper classes as they look down on the working class.
Derived from 'snob', which originally referred to a shoemaker or a person of low social standing in the early 19th century.
Common Phrases and Expressions
Cultural snob:
A person who believes they are superior due to their knowledge of the arts or culture.
Social snob:
Someone who judges others based on their social status.
Intellectual snob:
A person who looks down on those who are considered less knowledgeable.
Related Words
A person who boasts a superior social status or knowledge.
Displaying characteristic of snobbery.
The belief that a select group is superior and deserves greater influence.
Slang Meanings of snobbery
Meaning: Highbrow
Example Sentence: She only likes highbrow art, showing her snobbery when it comes to museums.
Meaning: Yuppie
Example Sentence: The yuppie culture in the city is rife with snobbery over luxury brands.